Generation at Workplace

   In most organizations we may be working and communicating with different age group of people. Since communication is one of the major contributors to human error on the hangar floor, we need to constantly maintain and develop our communications skill across our work force, particularly with multi generational nature of work force and working with individuals, who all have their own behavioral skills.
  One such combination, trying to understand, generation-specific frustrations, motives and values will help us work with, communicate and share ideas with colleagues. Generation may be of the following age group.

Veterans : 60 to 70 yrs age group
Boomers : 41 to 59 yrs age group
Generation x : 29 to 40 Yrs age group
Generation y : up to 28 Yrs age group

Key factors that define a generation, do cover the following:

• Unique work ethics.
• Different perspectives on work.
• Distinct and preferred way of managing.
• Unique ways of viewing quality.
• Different priorities and when they show up for work.

Veterans :Most veterans employ a work first attitude. In the work place, veterans like to contribute, are loyal, disciplined, and appreciate courtesy. To communicate to them be patient and take the time to explain new ideas. They may be stubborn, their work must be satisfying, utilizing their skill and expertise, They have a strong work ethic. THEY EXPECT TO BE CONSULTED FOR ADVICE, and expect you to listen to them, use the personal touch, Thank them in writing. Veterans want to work in an atmosphere with living ,breathing humans, not voice mails or E mails. Remember they did not grow with computers, video games, fly by wire systems, and advanced computer controlled aircraft systems. They may have adapted to more change in their lives than any currently working generation.
BOOMERS :The boomers live to work. They are hard workers. They grew up knowing that to survive they have to work and work hard. They want to be challenged and valued and want to be part of success. To communicate with boomers show them respect for their skills, knowledge and potential. Give them clear goals and guidelines with the freedom and flexibility to do things. their way. Take interest in them as a friend. Boomers have embraced the computer revolution, and had learned how to use them. know what the work place was like before the advent of computers. They probably learned to do tasks on the shop floor with out the aid of computer diagnostics and probably learned to type on a manual type writer.
Generation x :They work to live. In the work place they are independent, diverse, flexible, out come oriented and focus on having a life- today. When opportunities for growth, mobility, challenge and response dry up, so does their motivation. Their motivation is to have fun at work, make money and have a life. Give them clearly defined goals, and the freedom to achieve them at ease. Remember they did not grew up with survival instinct as the boomers. Express you, trust them and allow them to do their job in their own way. Respect their time and be straightforward. Reward with training and increased responsibility. They have grown up with computers, cell phones and email , and may not have learned work with out computers. Computers have always been part of their work environment.
Generation y :They live then work. They are informal, digital savvy, well educated, and like freedom and flexible work schedules. They want challenging and meaningful work. They need to be entertained and enlightened.. They have grown up with lap top computers, text messaging and video games. They may not have even seen a type writer. They attended schools with power point presentations. They are completely at home with fly by wire and expect computer technology in the work place. To communicate with them, we need to be clear in our requirements for a task, be patient and answer all their questions. They like opportunities to learn and develop new skills.

However all generations want

• Work that provides personal satisfaction,
• Employers who understands that personal lives are important,
• Work that is valued by employers and customers,
• Clear sense of purpose from employers.

   Multi generation work team benefits includes talented people of all ages with different strengths. The team is more flexible. Decisions are stronger because they are broad based. The team is more innovative and can meet the needs of a diverse public. Every one wins with a diverse work force by appreciating the differences and bridging the gap. Learn to communicate across these generations in your work and you too can win.